Working on this assignment has made me realize I am not as proficient in technology as I thought. Doing research into making videos for a class I have taken several times, this shouldn’t be a problem.

Oh, boy, was I wrong! I used to be quite proficient at making videos, back in high school, 17 years ago. Things have changed.

I tried to add a YouTube video to my presentation. I recorded the video, but when I played it back, it wasn’t working! What was I doing wrong? Oh, the timing was wrong. I fixed that, but it’s still not working. Oh, the transition was wrong. I fixed that, too. Oh, yay, it works! I tried to make it into a video, but nope… it’s not working!

Shouting Woman向量圖形及更多Tearing Your Hair Out - 英文諺語圖片- Tearing Your Hair Out - 英文諺語, 大發脾氣, 不滿- iStock

(HeyHeyDesigns, ND).

Coming back as a mature student who has not had to do anything with technology outside of work has been difficult. Learning and relearning how to use technology has definitely put me at a disadvantage.

But, I have succeeded… I hope!



Ascott022, (2015). Chapter 15 Fetal Assessment During Labour [Video].

Bates, A. W., (2015). Teaching in a Digital Age: Third Edition – General.

Canadian Perinatal Programs Coalition, (2020). Fundamentals of Fetal Health Surveillance (5th ed). 22%20Fundamentals%20of%20Fetal%20Health%20Surveillance%20Course%20pdf.pdf

Dore, S. & Ehman W., (2020). No. 396 – Fetal Health Surveillance: Intrapartum Consensus Guideline. Journal of   Obstetrics and Gynaecology Canada, 42(3). 316-348.

HeyHeyDesigns (N.D.) Shouting Women [Image].向量/shouting-woman-gm165500506-5869698

Puentedura, R. (2014). SAMR and Bloom’s Taxonomy: Assembling the Puzzle. Common Sense Education